What does it do? |
(Photographs shown on this page
are of "Before/After" samples we have worked on for use in
our displays of Kramer's Best products.
None of the photos have been retouched or modified in any
way. Most of these pieces are currently displayed in
mall booths or at shows around the country. If you would
like more detailed information about a specific piece, do
not hesitate to contact us.)
What does it do? First of all, it
CLEANS. Kramer's Best Antique Improver is the ideal way to
clean off the surface build-up found on so many of the old pieces — fingerprints,
kitchen cooking grease, furnace residue, wood and coal smoke, lamp soot,
as well as wax build-up and furniture polish residue. It does
this gently — reconditioning, but not damaging, the original finish as
it cleans. As well as your antique furniture, Antique Improver
effectively cleans and restores woodwork, paneling, doors (inside and
out), floors, window sills, kitchen cupboards and much, much more.
As it cleans, it RECONDITIONS both the FINISH and
the WOOD. As shown on this old silverware chest lid and the sewing
machine top, a light wipe of Improver cleans, and at the same
time, reconditions the existing finish. The old natural finishes
— paint, varnish, lacquer, shellac — dry out over time. This dryness may
cause shrinking, cracking, flaking of the finish. Kramer's Best
Antique Improver contains many of the same oils used in the old finishes.
It replaces the oils in the finish, goes through the finish into the wood,
reversing the dryness of the wood, while at the same time re-bonding and
stabilizing both the finish and the wood. Dryness is reversed. Color is
restored to areas lightened from sun bleaching or from wear and light
scratches. White water marks, many times, are reversed. Your
piece will look better than you have ever seen it look before.
Even if there is some finish missing — on pieces where
time and the elements have done their damage — Kramer's Best Antique
Improver reconditions and brings up the wonderful natural color
and beauty of the wood. Natural oils are replaced. Areas where
some original finish remains may be blended in with the more damaged areas,
restoring appearance without affecting integrity of the piece. Antique
Improver is an excellent way to reverse damage on areas exposed to
constant steam and moisture or extreme temperature and humidity changes,
such as window sills, around window panes, kitchen or bathroom cabinets,
entrance doors, and much, much more. Replacing the natural oils brings
up more natural color and beauty than you would have thought possible.
Using Antique Improver occasionally for maintenance prevents dryness,
maintains rich color and patina and PRESERVES and PROTECTS the wood in
your home from future permanent damage.
Some very rough pieces may be found completely without their original
finish (such as the old sewing table and piano front shown above) or never
have actually had a finish (the rustic wooden box). Wipes of Antique
Improver were used on one side to show the dramatic enhancement.
On the old rocker and phone box it was necessary to use steel wool as
the applicator in order to remove the layer of oxidized and decayed wood
on the surface as the Improver was applied. Even in these
extreme cases it is amazing what a few applications of Kramer's Best
Antique Improver can do. Without exception, the natural and
compatible ingredients of the product feed the wood, reviving and restoring,
and halting deterioration. You will see color return to the wood
— the natural colors of walnut, oak, cherry — the true colors seldom seen.
Even on pine, which normally has little color, Antique Improver
will restore that desired soft golden color only possible with natural
aging. Several applications may be required to reverse the dryness
and damage. These old pieces have been a long time drying out and
will take some time to "heal", but it will be worth it when you see the
results as the lustrous natural patina develops.
NEW OR STRIPPED WOOD: Use Kramer's Best Antique
Improver as the ONLY FINISH on stripped or new wood.
If you do have to strip a piece because the original finish has been painted
over, or for new, unfinished wood, this is an ideal final finish.
It is similar to a hand-rubbed oil finish (without all the rubbing).
On a stripped piece, the natural oils of Antique Improver are especially
beneficial as they help reverse the dryness and damage caused by the stripping,
restoring life to the wood.
When used as a final finish, Antique Improver lays
the grain, never raising it — applied with fine steel
wool, sanding many times becomes unnecessary. The Improver,
as it is applied, brings up the color and enhances the natural grain and
beauty of the wood. Stain, which actually masks much of that beauty,
is not necessary, nor advised. The surface is left with a natural
beauty that improves even more over time. As the initial application,
use two or three coats depending on the type and condition of the wood.
Over time, additional coats, and time to cure, will deepen the luster
even more and continue to enhance the richness and beauty of the piece.
No, the wood IS NOT "sealed" totally — a really bad thing
to do to wood. But, once a piece is fully conditioned with Antique
Improver it is naturally protected from moisture. You will see that
water just "beads up". Occasional spills are not a problem.
If an area starts to show dryness from constant exposure to moisture,
an additional occasional wipe of Antique Improver is all that is
needed. Pieces treated, and maintained, with Kramer's Best Antique
Improver are very easy to live with. And you will see them getting
better with age.
And it does even more...
Antique Improver, is an excellent tool for cleaning off rust
and preventing the rust from reoccurring. A light wipe applied with
a soft cloth cleans, brightens and protects from rust. If there
is already a rust build-up, steel wool can be used as the applicator
(a brass-bristle brush helps where detail requires). In severe cases
it may take multiple cleanings to remove the crusty rust surface, but
the effort is worth it. The Antique Improver converts deep rust
to a dark oxide, preventing further deterioration. The deep rich color
of well-preserved old metal is restored. If the metal had an original
painted finish, many times the restoration can be amazing (such as the
old school desk end shown here). Work carefully and gently to be
sure not to remove what original finish may remain. The Improver
will stabilize and enhance what is there, blending it in with the raw
areas. Sometimes the result is astounding. This school desk
end amazed even us.
TOOLS & GUNS: Tool collectors, as well as
gun enthusiasts, use and recommend Antique Improver as the
ideal way to clean and restore both the metal and the wood of old tools
and guns. The piece is cleaned and beauty restored, but it is not
altered, nor value lost by coating with something not natural to the piece.
In some instances, where there is a heavy build-up or saturation of grease
or oil, pre-cleaning with Kramer's Best Blemish Clarifier is beneficial.
John T. Kramer, maker of Kramer's Best Antique Improver
P.O. Box 8715, Sugar Creek, MO 64054
816-252-9512 / email: see Contact Us
© 2003 - 2023, Kramer Products, Inc.
