Links to visit...
We share here some links you may find of interest. However,
please keep in mind that these sites' rules on privacy may
be different from our own and we in no way accept responsibility
for your visit to these sites.
Sites of special interest:
These are sites that have come to our attention because
of their interest as users of, or dealers for, Kramer's Best products.
We have found them very interesting and impressive, and think other collectors
and "antiquers" may also.
ABANA, www.abana.org
Bad Axe Toolworks, www.badaxetoolworks.com
Civil War Guns, www.civilwarguns.com
D'Elia Antique Tool Museum, www.deliatoolmuseum.com Early American Industries Association, www.earlyamericanindustries.org
International Military Antiques, www.ima-usa.com
Midwest Tool Collectors, www.mwtca.org
Philco Radio History & Collector's,
President Benjamin Harrison Home, www.presidentbenjaminharrison.org
Seatweavers Guild, Inc, www.seatweaversguild.org
Woodcarver Magazine, Pyrograffiti Article,
John T. Kramer, maker of Kramer's Best Antique Improver
P.O. Box 8715, Sugar Creek, MO 64054
816-252-9512 / Fax 816-252-9121
E-mail: see Contact Us
© 2003 - 2023, Kramer Products, Inc.
